Nurse Julie Griffin blew the whistle on unsafe staffing levels at the HCA Westside Regional Medical Center in Plantation, Florida.
From January 2017 through July, 2017, Nurse Julie Griffin worked as an RN on the cardiovascular ICU at the Westside Regional Medical Center. Over a 6 month period, Ms. Griffin registered concerns over the hospital requiring nurses to manage 3 ICU patients a the same time. Caring for 3 patients was particularly untenable because the hospital’s computer software and monitors were incapable of monitoring 3 patients simultaneously. Ms. Griffin was aware of two patient deaths under these circumstances. That knowledge compelled her to persist in her efforts. She believed it was her professional responsibility to speak up to safeguard all her patients. The last straw occurred when she refused to accept 3 patients when another nurse had only 1 patient. She was terminated.
Under the Florida Whistle-Blower Act, Ms. Griffin filed a civil action in Broward County back in 2018. The trial date is set for February 21, 2023 at the Broward County Courthouse in Ft. Lauderdale. This will be the first trial in Florida for a jury to learn why a nurse refused an assignment that she believed posed a risk to patient safety and failed to comply with federal regulations.
Hospital Watchdog is proud to stand with Julie as she fights for patient safety and her rights as a healthcare professional. Nurses are often placed in difficult circumstances when it comes to staffing levels. It’s vital that they are supported as they speak up.
We encourage the public to attend this trial and offer support for Julie. This case has the potential to set a precedent for Florida.
Here is a link to read the full story (2019) of Julie Griffin’s experience at Westside Regional Medical Center.
To receive updates on the trial here is our sign up form.
Julie, sending best wishes from Asheville, NC where I just went to an HCA rally for better staffing this week. I appreciate you.
Thanks to Hospital Watchdog for following this case beginning to end. Patients over profits!!!
Thank you Julie for standing up for safe patient care. I am sorry for all you have gone through. I think HCA just picked on the wrong nurse
Understaffed should be taught in nursing school so you know this going in. I’m a recently retired nurse so I completely understand where she’s coming from and yes, staffing is always bad because hospitals/clinics/facilities are for profit. Nursing is stressful with the adrenaline pumping and no pee or food breaks. You don’t get into nursing thinking it’s going to be easy, you do it because you care about your patients. But I’m also wondering who took care of her 3 patients when she refused, probably another nurse who already had their own patients. Heaven forbid them calling anyone in. Workload… Read more »
My mother had her EMTALA rights repeatedly violated in March of 2018 that led to her death at HCA owned West Hills Hospital ER in Los Angeles. I wondered if the nurse who was acting crazy by unplugging my Mother’s Oxygen Monitor after she could not get the alarm to stop sounding so she could discharge my Mother, was doing it because she was stressed out from too many patients, but I only recently discovered this was most likely the reason. Since my discovery is very recent, I would also like to sue HCA. I was my Mother’s full time… Read more »
I filmed the Protest at West Hills Hospital, ER in Los Angeles California.
Let’s put every Manager, CEO, CFO, etc name on every patient chart responsible for staffing and equipment. If there is a problem, they are held just as accountable as the patient care staff.
Bravo to Julie and all other healthcare workers who stand up for patient care and safety. HCA is the biggest bully to their staff and patients have no idea how dangerous it is to be a patient in their hospitals. Hire a private patient advocate if you’re hospitalized. @nurseadrianern
I am a nurse for over 30 years and staffing shortages have plagued healthcare for decades. I applaud you for being an advocate.
Thank you Julie for your bravery. You are supported 100%. Prayers up for your strength during this difficult trial. ((Hugs))
HCA is known for unsafe RN staffing ratios and unsafe pt transfer and admissions
There should be more of this. Healthcare profits have replaced patient safety and well being and it’s only getting worse! Good luck Julie!
Thank you for advocating for the safety of the patients. We need more like you. I will try to attend your trial. You cannot lose. Safety is first and your license is always on the line,
Danielle, the trial has been cancelled. Here is the Update:
Mad RESPECT SISTER! I am a nurse advocate and would love to connect! Anything I can help with PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE!